Tuesday, December 06, 2005

More this than that

Kora Awards:
Per BBC news, these did not rock as expected. The South Africans did not turn up to see Shaggy? Ohh well.

It has been 29 degrees and under for 3 days running now. I'm talking Fahrenheit. What I find mind boggling is that the meteorologists were very pleased as they announced Monday's highs of 29F as the highest we were going to see all week. Now how do you manage to smile through this? I mean that is unless you are next announcing that we are expected to hibernate until we hear of improvements in the temperature. No such announcement followed. Which explains why we have run out of Kleenex at work. Which did not affect me, BTW, I am very diligent at stocking up at the local desk. It's December, sniffles is what we do! But now I have peeps at the desk needing Kleenex handouts. I bet you didn't know what a precious commodity Kleenex can be.

Boring TV:
So it's cold, read freezing, insanely, inhabitable cold. Which means I'm running straight home. No shopping. Not even for food. If there is no food, hot water it will be for dinner. Really what works is bread and tea. Some people prefer to call it tea and bread. Ketepa is a miracle worker. No stops until I'm in the warmth of my apartment. But, I digress. The TV has to entertain me thus, right? Well, it doesn't. TV is insanely boring. And don't ask me to read and concentrate after freezing through my walk into the house and listening to the smiling meteorologist predict temperatures in the teens again. Just make TV more entertaining.


AfroFeminista said...

You'll be glad to know, that it is actually hot today! Atleast in my side of town:) Oops had the met guys said it would be 15 degrees?:)

Mimmz said...

Afrofeminista, Not only 15 degrees, there is about 14 inches of snow on the ground. Which by the way, I have lost my keys in. You think finding a needle in a haystack is difficult? You haven't tried this. Thank goodness I can work from home! BTW, our high past 48 hours have not gone above 12. Yes, gloat some more!