Friday, August 06, 2010

Serial Killer Devil Worshipper

This I wrote on June 15th. When I was completely mortified by the one weird Onyancha, blood sucking guy.

Reading about Phillip Onyancha is shocking in more ways than I care to describe. Be it the

callous way he describes his deeds, or the sheer monstrosity of it all; it is all newsworthy; and

not in a good way. But I find two things especially interesting.

One is the mention of the devil worshipping madness. That is interesting to me because just

recently, some friends and I were discussing the absolute insanity that had encompassed

schools in Kenya; in regards to cult worship. The very Christian union (CU) bodies had

been infiltrated by weirdness to the point that God was scary. We had mentioned the devil

worship comments that were constantly being made. But we had more or less concluded the

overzealousness and fanaticism of religion as the culprit. Allow me to say it the way Kenyans

love to say things; “Shock on us!”

The second most troubling thing is the investigation bit. Did I read about some family that kept

forwarding numbers to the cops who kept losing them? As in what the heck?! So I pose a

question to the police commissioner, can you explain to the general public how investigations

are handled? I feel quite sure I ask these questions on behalf of very many people.

First question, is each investigation assigned a case number?

Second, is it then assigned specific people to be working on it?

Third, who monitors the progress of the investigation?

Fourth, what follow up is owed to the victims, the concerned parties, the people who requested

an open investigation; or the people with a missing relative?

Fifth, the filing system – Where do you file all materials related to a case number? Are these

arranged by case numbers? Is all evidence in these files? Who has access to it? What protocols

exist to ensure no evidence is stolen out of files?

Sixth, what about the evidence that has to go for forensic testing? How does it get back to the

file? What is the process? Who is responsible if it goes missing? What is the trail left behind?

Who signs what when they pick it up and when they return it?

Seventh, what are your general standards? What do you internally consider best practices when

handling an investigation?

Eighth, the different bodies, cops, CID, the flying squad – what is the role of each one? When

does each one get involved? What is the official process of handing down a case from one unit

to another?

If there’s a process where the cases are transferred, are the files transferred with them? What is

the trail left behind? Who signs for what?

Where is investigative training provided? When? And for how long?

What are the procedures to ensure crime scenes are not contaminated?

By the general public?

By the people investigating them?

What are the time limits set by the department to start an investigation?

How are suspects handled? What constitutes sufficient evidence to hold a suspect? What

are the processes of keeping an eye on a suspect who cannot be held for lack of sufficient


And what tools are at hand for use within investigations? Which departments own them? What

is the process of requesting a department ran a specific test on a piece of evidence? What is

the expected turn around time?

How is information shared between investigative units in different areas of the country and the


Let me end my questions at this point. I feel quite sure that the commissioner will be hard

pressed to answer 25% of these questions effectively. So let me offer them as starting

points for the setting up of good controls. Every organization needs protocol. People need

guidance otherwise they perform well under par; including loss of evidence. People also need

consequence. If the institution spent a week organizing preliminary responses to most of these

questions, and then embarking on training, there’d be a process to be improved on by the end

of the year. And the results would be instantaneous. Good luck and God speed on this one!

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